They are auctioning off all the 989 pound statues, but if you want a small one, they sell 7.5 inch figures! I'm very tempted to buy one!! Here are the All-Star designed Mickey statues.
All-Star Game #1 - Disneyland Esplanade, Anaheim

All-Star Game #2 - Anaheim Convention Ctr, Anaheim
This is my favorite statue out of all 36!

All-Star Game #3 - The Grove Anaheim, Anaheim
This one is cool, the top half is the sky, and the bottom half is the stadium.

All-Star Game #4 - Anaheim City Hall, Anaheim

Here are some extra photos of Mickey posing in front of some "high-profile" locations in Southern California!
Disneyland Entrance

At the Kodak Theatre in front of the El Capitan Theatre

Mickey gives support to a Disney Store!

Enjoying the open air in front of the Grove of Anaheim

Mickey getting a tan in Huntington Beach!

In front of a mural in Hollywood

Proudly in front of the Newport Sports Museum

Mickey about to watch a movie at The District AMC Theatre!

One of the best locations, the Angel Stadium! So dramatic!

Nicely shaded below an enormous Angels cap!

And lastly, Mickey & me! Although I took a picture with all 36 statues, I felt this photo most appropriate to post since the All-Star Game was held at the Angel Stadium! This ends my Mickey scavenger hunt, I had lots of fun!
PS) Thanks Jenny for accompanying me to all the locations. That was a fun-filled 3 days!
It was a lot of running around for both of us but definitely worth it!
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