For our wedding anniversary, we decided to take a trip to the newly renovated Griffith Observatory. Stars, or especially shooting stars holds a very important meaning to us both, and we can tell you why on August 12th!!

I also had a run in with Einstein, and we discussed energy! Then, for dinner we went to our favorite restaurant in West Hollywood where we occassionally see celebs (last time we saw Eva Longoria & Tony Parker), this time we saw someone, but can't remember his name! (Haha, we snuck a photo!) Can anyone recognize him from our lousy photo and help us with his name?!?!

lol. the most i can make out is what looks like a bald spot on his head..though im pretty sure thats just a glare?!
loralee - lol, i know it's a bad photo! Until I find out his name, I think it's gonna bug me forever haha!
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